Get Rid Of MyVedicTab from Chrome : Take Down MyVedicTab
MyVedicTab causes following error
0xf0827 CBS_E_STACK_SHUTDOWN_REQUIRED servicing stack updated, aborting, 0x80240010 WU_E_TOO_DEEP_RELATION Update relationships too deep to evaluate were evaluated., 0x00000060, 0x000000CA, 0x80245001 WU_E_REDIRECTOR_LOAD_XML The redirector XML document could not be loaded into the DOM class., 0x8024001D WU_E_INVALID_UPDATE An update contains invalid metadata., 0xf0821 CBS_E_ABORT client abort, IDABORT returned by ICbsUIHandler method except Error(), 0x000000C4, 0xf081E CBS_E_NOT_APPLICABLE the package is not applicable, Error 0xC1900202 - 0x20008, 0x80242000 WU_E_UH_REMOTEUNAVAILABLE A request for a remote update handler could not be completed because no remote process is available., 0x00000122, 0x8024402C WU_E_PT_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED Same as ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED - the proxy server or target server name cannot be resolved., 0x8024200C WU_E_UH_FALLBACKTOSELFCONTAINED The update handler should download self-contained content rather than delta-compressed content for the update., 0x80240020 WU_E_NO_INTERACTIVE_USER Operation did not complete because there is no logged-on interactive user., 0xf080F CBS_E_MANIFEST_VALIDATION_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT multiple elements have the same name, 0x8024A005 WU_E_AU_NO_REGISTERED_SERVICE No unmanaged service is registered with AU., 0x0000002A, 0x80244018 WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN Same as HTTP status 403 - server understood the request, but declined to fulfill it.